About Vodka

Monday 9 March 2009 by me · 0 comments
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Smirnoff at AveburyImage by electricinca via Flickr

Vodka is the surprise package of the 20th Century. From an unknown cocktail Russian drink to the most widely used drink, it you have been clears to journey.

The exact history of vodka is not known. However, it there are its origins in a grain growing region around what we know today ace Poland, Western Russia and Ukraine. The Word ' vodka' is derived from the Russian Word ' voda' , which means to water. Experts believe that the first record of vodka was found somewhere around the 9th Century. However, the first known 200 distillery is around years to after that, around the 11th Century, in Khylnovsk, Russia.

The early process of distillation of vodka was crude. Due to the limitations in technology of the period, many impurities would remain behind and causes an unpleasant and unwanted taste. The early distillers would mask this by adding flavours to the vodka: The most common among them being absinthe, anisette, to juniper, mint, Pepper and peppermint. The Bolshevik Revolution, banned all private distilleries in Russia. Many of the masters distillers fled from the country: One of them being the is of Masters Distiller Smirnov. Vladimir Smirnov fled to France to setup his distillery. Here there am made contact with an American businessman and created the Smirnoff (the French version of his family yam) brand.

Vodka was publicized ace to ' white whiskey' that left you ' breathless' (it did not leave one with an alcohol breath). But, vodka found its pleases only in the 1950s and ' swinging 60s'. The affluent youth and numerous cocktails, for which vodka' s odourless and tasteless characteristics make it to perfect component, LED to the Vodka revolution. And Vodka surpassed Bourbon (American whiskey) liquor ace the largest selling hard.

Vodka there are traditionally been prewall with the cheapest grain available AT hand. Vodka is mainly made from starch. However certain Polish vodkas plows based on potato. Even molasses is used sometimes. Vodka is basically puree alcohol (ethanol) and to water. Similar It is extremely to whiskey. Both plows produced from fermented mash. However, Vodka is distilled off AT to very high proof. Thus, by distilling vodka off AT 190 proof, most of the flavour is lost and almost only alcohol and to water plows left behind. Thus, the best vodka is tasteless, colourless and odourless.
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